Research, Resource & Education

Herb and Vitamin/Mineral Guide 2
For Pets & People

This guide was created for those interested in knowing the primary use of herbs and vitamins/minerals for both you and your pet.

Herb List 
Herb Chart A-Z   
Non-Toxic Plants for your Terrarium 
Plants that can be Toxic To Reptiles 
Herb References Vitamins & Minerals
Vitamins List
Mineral List
Vitamin/Mineral Absorption  Vitamins and Mineral 

 This extensive research has over 100 herbs that have been indexed from A-Z including:
Common name for the herbs, and some other names they go by.
Botanical name of the particular species or taxonomic classification. Family name – Taxonomic classification of plants that are related.
Primary uses – This section covers the main reason that humans or pet owners use this herb.
Species – This includes humans and several species of animals. Small animals primarily refer to cats and dogs, although this can also consist of rodents, such as mice, etc. For animals not listed or exotic animals, please ask your veterinarian. Also, just because an animal is not listed, does not necessarily mean you should or should not use herbs – ask the advice of your veterinarian.
Clinical Action – These are the most common actions the herb may be traditional known and used for.
Human – The primary use in humans.
Animal – The primary pet and veterinary use for his herb.
Preparation – What form the herb is usually taken or applied
(see glossary for terms)
Contraindications, Precautions and Drug Interactions – These are warnings for people and animals. Although I have listed known interactions and precautions, it is always advised to ask your doctor before you add any herb to your diet, or veterinarian before you giving your pet any herb or supplement. There may be other possible interactions depending on you or your pets physical, pharmaceutical or mental history that may not be included in this list. Warning to cat and bird owners – always check with your veterinarian when using essential oils – just because I may not list an animal in this section, does not always mean it is ok for them.
Plant parts used – The part of the plant that is most commonly used for medicinal or nutritive purposes.

Vitamins functions that are used for or helps fight against disease
Vitamin RDA in humans
Food Source
Toxicity, Actions or Contraindications
Alter in Vitamins or Decrease/increase absorption in minerals
How it is used in cats and dog

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