Small Pet & Reptile Guide
Did you ever go to the pet store and see the never ending enclosures of birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, hamsters, rabbits and ferrets, and wonder which pet would best fit into your family? I have compiled a list of almost 300 of the most popular pets in an easy to read table format with colored pictures of the animals for quick identification.
See the complete COMPANION PET GUIDE for additional information on CATS & DOGS
This is just a small sample of the questions this workbook will answer:
How big of an enclosure will my pet require?
How messy is a Lorikeet and do they talk?
Which is a good snake for the beginning hobbyist?
What are some of the behavior issues of a ferret?
Can a rabbit be litter trained and which ones require grooming?
Does my frog need a basking light and how much water should be in the tank?
Does a hedgehog sleep at night or during the day?
Here are the number of pets you can find in this book:
40: Amphibians, including frogs, toads, newts and salamanders
15: Arthropods, such as scorpions, tarantulas, praying mantis & more
43: Birds, which include many species of parrots, finches, doves, etc.
70: Lizards, from anoles to tegus
40: Snakes, from boas to pythons to colubrids
25: Turtles, including tortoises
25: Small Animals, which include hamsters, guinea pigs, ferrets, gerbils
30: Rabbits
Several other unusual pets, including pigmy goats, pot bellied pigs, skunks and more
GUIDE: Toads, Frogs, Salamanders, Newts
GUIDE: Scorpions, Tarantulas, Hermit Crab Centipede, Millipede, Praying Mantis,
Walking Stick, Hissing Cockroach
Cage, Toxins & Other Dangers, Behavior, Food, General Health
GUIDE: Finches, Doves/Pigeons, Parrots
Lizard GUIDE – Geckos, Iguanas, Anoles, Iguana, Swifts, Others, Agamas,
Uromastyx, Dragons, Chameleon, Monitor, Skink, Tegu, Whiptail, Wall,
Girdled,Plated, Alligator
Snake GUIDE – Boa, Corn, Garter, Ribbon, Green, Hog-Nosed, King, Milk, Python,
Rat, Sunbeam
Turtle GUIDE – Cooter, Slider, Map, Painted, Box, Wood, Mud, Musk, Snapping,
Soft Shelled, Side/Snake Neck, Tortoise
Reptile Exercise – Metabolism, Reptile Fitness, Locomotion
GUIDES Hamsters, Gerbils, Mice, Rat, Degus, Hedgehogs, Chinchillas,
Sugar Glider, Ferret, Guinea Pig
More Information Cage, Temperature, Social, Nutrition, Exercise
Description of Rabbit Guide and More Information
OTHER PETS: Alpaca, Fennec Fox, Pigmy Goat, Llama, Pot Bellied Pig, Skunk