Research, Resource & Education

Table of Contents

It has been proven that exercise and nutrition are two of the main factors that you can control for a healthy lifestyle. Many people do not know how to start an exercise program or how to progress. You can choose from many Home Exercise Guides not only for the healthy individual, but also for those with diabetes, cardiac & pulmonary disease, arthritis and MS, lupus and fibromyagia. 
Also see the new Lost Temple Fitness & Cancer site.

You can also download and print several PDFs for a quick glance at exercises precautions for particular diseases.  

If you are interested in pet fitness and nutrition, dog sports or companion animal guides, please go to 
Lost Temple Pets  

You should always consult with your doctor before starting an exercise routine and physical therapy to get you started, especially if you are new to exercising.  The information on this site and in my books do not substitute for orders from your doctor and licensed health team. 


Exercise and physical activity have been associated with reduced relapse rate, mobility disability and its progression

It is beneficial for people who have a history or are currently undergoing treatment for respiratory disease to engage in an exercise program. 

Starting an exercise program with arthritis or pre-arthritis can be difficult. Bones can be strengthened with proper nutrition and weight bearing exercises.  

Having too much glucose in your blood can cause health problems. Although diabetes has no cure, you can take steps to manage your diabetes and stay healthy

It is beneficial for people who have a history or are currently undergoing treatment for cardiac disease or stroke to engage in an exercise program

Cancer is a disease in which some of the body’s cells grow uncontrollably and spread to other parts of the body.

Lymph nodes are part of the lymphatic and immune system, which protects your body against infection and disease.

Breast cancer is a disease in which cells grow out of control. The kind of breast cancer depends on which cells in the breast turn into cancer

Breast Cancer & Cancer Books to include exercise precautions and benefits, treatments and diet.

Free downloads of  special diets and for specific diseases.  These PDF’s will give you some examples of food to eat and foods not to eat. 

These PDF guides and books will start you on your research of different diets from canine/human sports to therapeutic/special diets for people.  There are also guides to uses of vitamins/minerals, supplements, amino acids and herbs. 

Herb and Vitamin/Mineral Guide 2

For Pets & People